Bouquet from Mick


I would like to express my congratulations on The Grazier being named Star of the Week (December 20).

That innovation was one of your own ideas and has been responsible for a lot of joy for many people when they were named Star.

You can take a big bow for that idea, but especially for being named in it yourselves.

Your organization is one of the hardest working ones in the town, thrashing about week after week looking for articles to please your readers. This is something you continue to do to a great degree.

Yes, we have a lot to be grateful for in Hay and I just wanted to add my congratulations to you for keeping on keeping on.

I know you will still be doing it for many years to come.

Kindest regards,

Mick Beckwith.



“I have concerns for the future. We are being asked to carry an unfair burden.” - Darren De Bortoli


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