Hats off to MP Helen Dalton


I would just like to express my gratitude and thanks to our local MP, Helen Dalton for her hard-fought win in securing funding for the radiation unit at Griffith Hospital.

A bulk billing shortfall meant patients faced out of pocket expenses for treatment when the facility opens in 2023. Without her advocacy and tenacity in this issue, that would still be the case today. At every opportunity, Helen spoke to anyone who would listen including Health Minister Brad Hazzard and the Premier. And she did this numerous times.

She instigated a petition calling for funding alongside Independent Joe McGirr from Wagga who is also experiencing the same issue. Helen hand-delivered the petition to businesses across the electorate and drummed up as much community support as she could. She asked questions in Parliament and spoke about the fact Griffith and Wagga patients were the only people in the state of NSW who have to pay out of pocket expenses for radiation treatment.

In September we received the great news the shortfall would be covered by the State Government. This is what your local MP should do. Helen listened, she jumped on board, and she advocated for her community.

Radiation is a stressful time for anyone who faces the unfortunate reality of treatment. But at least now the financial burden has been reduced. This is a win for patients at Griffith and a win for our region.

Well done Helen.

Grant Hearn.


People in the country need to make the decision for people in the country


Congratulations Hay Show organisers