Thanks from Frog

Dear Editor,

Through your paper I would like to thank the paid workers and especially the countless volunteers who filled sandbags and carried out many more jobs during our recent flood.

From personal experience of 1974 and 2012, I know how hard these tasks are after filling sandbags and working flood banks at night along with other older people.

We did notice water where it hadn’t been before, also blocked off culverts.

Why was this allowed, or was it that some people didn’t want their property waterlogged and didn’t care what happened to that water once it went past their own place?

Just a suggestion – any leftover loads of good clay could be used to top up the levee banks, rather than wasting it.

Merry Christmas to all your staff and our great town. Where else would you want to live?

Thank you for letting me have my say throughout the years in your paper.

Frog Paul Edwards.


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