Who owns all the destructive wildlife?
Dear Editor,
Re your article on straying stock in The Riverine Grazier on January 29.
These do-gooding authorities don’t mention anything about kangaroos or emus destroying farmers’ fences and moving onto their land.
Can the farmer start fining these departments for allowing this, or is it just a one-way street?
Farmers have always notified their neighbour about each other’s stock. They don’t need some do-gooding department telling them.
When they say they have the power to make owners remove their stock from public land, the farmer should have the same power to fine and make these departments remove any destructive animal from their land.
It costs farmers thousands of dollars already repairing fences, damaged by wildlife. They need to do this to make sure their own stock will not get out onto public land.
Kangaroos and emus are wrecking cars and destroying crops.
Thank you
Frog Paul Edwards, Hay.