Bishop’s Lodge Historic House - a facelift for a grand old dame
By Tertia Butcher
The grand old dame of South Hay, Bishop’s Lodge Historic House, is receiving a face-lift.
Funding of $175,000 for the continued refurbishment was provided by Hay Shire Council from its Stronger Country Communities Fund Round 5.
“With the building in excess of 130 years old it requires significant investment for maintenance and upkeep,” General Manager David Webb said.
“Council thanks the many volunteers and Management Committee for their tirelessly efforts in maintaining and running the important historical asset for Hay.”
Work carried out over the past weeks include repairs to cracked plaster in the dining and drawing rooms and chapel, render to large parts of walls and general paintwork on windows.
The downpipe and guttering behind tanks on the southern verandah have been repaired and door and window screens replaced.
Pictured: Kevin Wall and some of the restoration works being completed as part of the project. Images: The Riverine Grazier / Margie McClelland