Captain JJ sails away

Johlee Masters recently sailed away on a trip of a lifetime, aboard the Young Endeavour. STS Young Endeavour is a specially designed vessel, that provides development programs for young Australians.

Most of the youth who climb on board the Young Endeavour have never sailed before. They come from all around Australia, having never met before, to enjoy this experience together.

The vessel is equipped with a galley, berths, a bow, and a stern. They step on to their new home for 11 days, and become active members of the crew, that contributes to the voyage. They support each other and work as a team. Learning how to set the sails, navigate, keep watch, take the helm, assist in the galley, and climb the mast. This is all undertaken under the supervision of the professional Royal Australian Navy crew.

The last 24 hours, the youth completely take on the ship as their own, assuming command and control, and putting their new skills to the test.

“You must let them get out and have a go, give them a taste of life away from Hay. Let them explore different avenues in life, there are so many good programs available,” Johlee’s mother Angela said.

“It’s not a holiday, there are no phones, and they are cut off from everyone.

“Johlee was so stoked, on their last day, she was selected captain, and the youngest on board.”

Anyone between the ages of 16 and 23 can apply for the life changing journey.

“It completely changes their outlook on life,” Angela said, “All of the girls have done it. Charlee got off the boat knowing that she wanted to join the Navy. Lily got a captain’s award, as she was struck with sea sickness from day one, but did not let that hold her back, she performed all her tasks with a sick bag in tow.

“She has now decided she wants to be in the Air Force.

“Johlee also walked off the boat, determined that she was going into the Navy, she said that this is what she wants to do.”

Young Endeavour Youth Scheme began when the magnificent sail training ship STS Young Endeavour was given to the people of Australia by the United Kingdom as a Bicentennial gift in 1988. Since then, the Scheme has provided challenging and inspiration training voyages for more than 14,000 young Australians. Scheme operates in partnership with the Royal Australian Navy and is based at Garden Island, Sydney.

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