Eleven trees get the chop

Council has approved the removal of 11 trees which have been deemed unsuitable as street trees, causing damage to the kerb and footpath or are growing under powerlines.

In line with the Hay Shire Circular Economy Strategy, every tree removed will need to be replaced by Council with 10 new trees.

“Thus 110 trees will need to be planted,” Director Infrastructure and Planning, Jack Terblanche said.

“Council can achieve this through replacement street tree plantings and plantings in the Cemetery and Pool precinct.”

At its monthly meeting last week, Council approved the removal of a Box Elder at 301 Macauley Street, and resolved to replace it with two Bottlebrush trees.

A Red Gum in front of 338 Leonard Street will be replaced with two Crepe Myrtle trees. Another Red Gum at 442 Murray Street will be replaced by three Chinese Elms. A decaying Plum Tree at 303 Church Street will make room for two Crepe Myrtle Trees and a Peppercorn Tree in front of 441 Church Street, causing kerb damage will be replaced by six Chinese Elms on the Church and Hope Street frontages.

The dead Manchurian Pear in 6 Albert Street is to be replacement by the same species and a further Manchurian Pear will replace the Peppercorn Tree at 438 Moppett Street.

Council also approved the removal of two Ornamental Plum Trees at 389 MacGregor Street, and replace with two Manchurian Pears.

A Jacaranda tree considered to have a positive impact on the streetscape in Alma Street will be replaced by three Crepe Myrtles as it is growing under a powerline and has caused damage to infrastructure.

An unsightly and white ant infested Peppercorn in Pollard Street will make way for a Bottlebrush.

The remaining 87 trees will be planted at the Pool precinct and at Hay Cemetery.

Tree removal requests not approved will be dealt with by appropriate pruning.


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