Frustration boils over as Ivanhoe shuts shop

Frustrated locals are lobbying officials but it seems no one can answer the question – when will the Cobb Highway be re-opened?

The lifeline stretch of bitumen was closed when floodwaters at the end of 2022 inundated the area, and swept large sections of tar aside. Washouts and potholes make navigating the section of road between Booligal and Ivanhoe dangerous.

According to pleas for help on social media, local landholders and Ivanhoe businesses have contacted NSW Government departments and Ministers, to no avail.

The Riverine Grazier contacted Member for Murray Helen Dalton, Minister for Roads John Graham and Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty but no information was received.

Mr Graham’s portfolio also includes jobs and tourism, and Ivanhoe residents say businesses are suffering, without the ‘Grey Nomad’ trade.

Ivanhoe landholder Conrad McGinty contacted Mrs Dalton in March, who in turn sought information from Transport for NSW, who tendered a written statement.

“We understand the impact the road closure is having on residents and businesses,” the statement read. “Be assured we are working towards reopening the Cobb Highway as soon as possible.”

The platitudes are no comfort for Ivanhoe businessman Josh Robertson, who made the tough decision to close his normally thriving café last week.

“Without the traffic we were forced to close,” Mr Robertson told The Grazier.

“The Balranald Road is also closed – two sealed roads into Ivanhoe and both are closed.

“It’s worse than Covid.”

Until the road closures, Mr Robertson had successfully traded since January 2020, offering a vital service to local residents, propped up by the constant stream of outback tourists.

Mr Robertson contacted Member for Barwon Roy Butler, but received a similar stock answer from Transport NSW as Mr McGinty.

Locals have considered guerilla tactics, and undertaking to fix the road with their machinery, but are wary of litigation from Government and road users, leaving the residents and businesses of 2878 and beyond literally stranded.


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