Gary calls for businesses to beautify - Macker’s Meats leads the way

Not only has Gary McRae revitalised the signage at the front of the shop, but also the side signage, and putting in new awnings, making a fresh new difference to his Lachlan Street business. Image: The Riverine Grazier / Kimberly Grabham.

By Kimberly Grabham

Those driving down Lachlan Street would no doubt have noticed the bright and attractive new signage adorning the shopfront of Mackers Meats.

Gary McRae is passionate about the need for signage in the shopping districts of towns.

In addition to enlisting Anthony Slattery Painting to create some eye-catching business signs for the butchery, he is also getting new awnings.

For years, the butchery has been eye catching and appealing, with their colourful bricks being the first thing many see.

The signs and improvements add to the appeal.

“Countless visitors call in during their visits and tell me that it is wonderful to drive through a town, and have fresh, clear signage so that they can find their way around,” Gary said.

“The key to a good business is signage, and location.

“Council has done such a fantastic job, and invested a lot of money and time improving and beautifying the town, especially the main street, which is what visitors see.

“It would be nice to see more businesses get on board and brighten up their signage and shopfronts.

“The more businesses that get on board, the better, it really would brighten up our town, and make it easier for tourists and visitors, which is important.

“We funded our signs, but surely there would be grants and programs for other businesses - something to look into.”

Congratulations Gary for taking the steps to revitalise the face of Hay, and here’s hoping other businesses will get on board.

These days, it is beneficial for businesses to keep their ear to the ground in regards to government grants and assistance.

Not only are there various, and ever-changing grants and programs, but specialists who help with locating and applying for this business assistance.

Business Connect is a free business support so there is no cost involved for the customer.

Eligible customers can access up to eight hours of support per financial year which includes business advice sessions and events.

You can also access online resources for free at any time.

For more information, visit and get in touch with an advisor.

To see what other grants are available, visit Service NSW website, or call in and chat to the friendly team.

Some examples of current grant programs for businesses are $1,000 SafeWork small business rebate, upgrading your business equipment under the energy efficiency scheme including discounts on refrigeration, hot water systems, lighting, air conditioning, or a bundled upgrade of these items, and more.


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