Green light expected for bank DA

Hay Shire Council expected to approve a Development Application for the part demolition of the former ANZ Bank building in Lachlan Street.

The decision was expected to be made at Council’s Ordinary Monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, after The Grazier went to print.

The proposed development is the demolition of existing buildings, while maintaining part of the existing front wall to the lower window height and the entrance gateway as front dividing fence.

The original Union Bank building was designed by prominent architect John Hill Robertson with construction completed in 1930.

Council said while the proposed demolition would be a significant loss for the Lachlan Street streetscape, options are limited for the protection of the building.

“The ideal uses would be the original use of the building, which is highly unlikely, or an adaptive reuse,” Council said.

“To repurpose the building will be difficult and cost prohibitive, as the applicant alluded to in his response to objections.

“The market for older bank and civic buildings in small towns are very limited.”

Council said the condition of the building was not unlike many brick buildings in Hay, with cracking and termite damage of wooden frames and outbuildings, but believes it does not pose an imminent threat to the public


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