Ivanhoe’s angel, Wendy Aves

By Kimberly Grabham.

She’s the face that lights up Ivanhoe, that smiling, radiant face that everyone in the district knows.

Wendy Aves has been an Ivanhoe local since birth, and the pride and love she has for her town is evident.

The proprietor of Ivanhoe Servo, Caravan Park ,and Wendy’s Palace Inn is perpetually both in running mode, and geared towards ways she can help out her fellow man.

She has recently hit the milestone of raising $20,000 for cancer sufferers.

The entirety of this money going directly from Wendy’s hands to people in her town that need it in their darkest of times.

“I began in the service station close to ten years ago, and began raising funds for cancer a year after that.

“My niece had her own struggles with cancer.

“It makes it quite real when it hits someone you know and love.

“She undertook a horse ride to raise funds, and that prompted me into thinking what I could do for the cause.

“When all the money was stolen from South Hay Pub it was devastating, and I sent in a cheque, like many others did.

“I don’t think of this fundraising effort as anything special, or anything that I want credit or appreciation for, it’s just something you do.

“When I hear of people that have been given a diagnosis, or are going through really hard times.

“A small card with $500 in it may seem small, but every bit helps.”

She is keenly aware of the plight of the average person.

To the average family, living week to week, and often children in the equation, the often weekly journey to places as far as Adelaide can be financially crippling.

She stresses that she does not do it for the accolades, but it’s something that small townspeople do for each other.

“Sometimes it can be as simple as holding raffles, and donating some fuel to go up for raffle.

“I don’t think anything of it, I just thought I would put a post on Facebook to show the community what we have all done together.

“Not only have locals been immensely supportive, but travellers also.

“People are just so generous, always giving tips, and when I make the mere mention of it going in the cancer fund, they just seem to be inspired.

“One lovely man donated 12 first aid kits upon hearing that I was putting the tip in the cancer fundraising jar.

“We put them in the shop and sold them for less than the usual retail value and put all the proceeds into the jar.

“A different traveller insisted upon leaving $50 for the jar, explaining that he had recently lost his wife to cancer, and he wanted to help.

“Another lovely pair of ladies gave $20 each, at different times.

“It is really touching how people rally behind a cause.”

Wendy painstakingly records all money that is given to those who need it, for her own peace of mind that her records are all above board.

In a town of 196 people, there sure are some big hearts. Congratulations, Wendy.


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