Meet the candidates - Balranald local government elections

By Kimberly Grabham

The Riverine Grazier contacted each of the 13 members of the Balranald and Euston communities who have nominated to run for a position on Balranald Shire Council.

Local government elections will be held on Saturday September 14, 2024.

Alison Linnett

I am Alison Linnett. I have lived in the Balranald Shire for most of my life, raised four children and ran my business with husband Allan. My parents and grandparents also owned businesses in Balranald. I have been a teacher for over 30 years, with most of my career spent at Balranald Central School.

Caring, compassionate, trustworthy and professional, I am a local girl whose interests are focused on the future of all communities of our Shire.

I have always been a volunteer on various committees, including Balranald Race Club, Pre School, Youth Council, Can Assist and Homebush Gymkhanas, Field Days and Rodeo.

If elected I will work towards protecting and building the future, creating opportunities for residents, businesses and youth. I will fight for progress and protection of our locality, environment and way of life.

I am standing for council to make Balranald District a greater place. I am here for the people, towns, villages, their growth and opportunities. I believe services for our youth and elderly such as access to medical care and services, mental health and wellbeing activities are important.

I want to see our communities benefit, develop and prosper from infrastructure and industrial growth, job opportunities for our children and land development for new housing, attracting families to our region. Our tourism, national parks and history need protecting and sharing.

I welcome electors to contact me, have a chat, share ideas and opinions. Please allow me be your voice at council for the future of our community and people.

Louie Zaffina

I am Louie Zaffina, a lifelong Euston local. With wife Kylie, I have raised five children and have eight grandchildren. A second-generation table grape grower and motor mechanic by trade, I decided to stand for Council due to passion for my community, its needs and wellbeing.

If elected, my intention is to make a difference and advocate for better outcomes for the entire Shire. Since Balranald Shire Council has been under administration, I have been an active member of the Euston Progressive Advisory Committee where we have successfully achieved many outcomes for projects.

I also have experience in lobbying for government grants for other projects in the private sector. I believe the citizens of the entire Balranald Shire have not been properly represented in the past, missing many opportunities. My number one priority is to help develop a strong and healthy council with honesty and integrity, to deliver better and positive outcomes for the entire shire, no matter where you live.

I believe the advisory committees set up during administration should be continued as it is a great representation of the needs, of which future councillors may not be aware.

We need to attract people to want to live in our shire. This includes doctors which is an important issue at the moment. Encourage and assist businesses to create jobs especially for young people to want to live here. Address the accommodation shortage for those seeking work here. Better and safer roads especially lobbying both State and Federal Governments for overtaking lanes on the Sturt Highway.

Iain Lindsay Field

My platform in standing for Council is to improve community strength and economic growth, be environmentally and culturally conscious, provide fiscal responsibility, deliver good governance and be forward looking.

If elected, the issues I would hope to address and prioritise are:

• To improve community consultation and transparency in decision making. • Build an environment of trust within Council where team work & ideas flourish and where working hard and smart is rewarded. • After what we have gone through with rate increases, canvas support for a period of below CPI rises. • Work closely with both big and small businesses to establish their needs and wants from the Council and then deliver on them. • Continue to advocate for and support tourism to the Shire. • Provide incentives to encourage a doctor, nurses and teachers to Balranald with good housing and other benefits. • Promote social and cultural inclusion. • Strengthen relationships with neighbouring councils.

I would like to improve the Shire with the following: • Establish an industrial estate in Balranald. • Increase housing across the Shire • Establish a self-governing Community Benefit Fund that administers community contributions from mining and renewable energy. • Work to establish a centre for youth training trade opportunities. • Expand, when financially viable, Bidgee Haven Aged Care. • Strengthen the Advisory Committee system by giving more admin support and encouragement in decision making and make it a pathway for future Councillors.

Leigh Byron

Why have I decided to stand for council? I saw the apathy when our doctor decided to retire. The lack of support to him when he was having no luck in selling his practice was astounding. When I spoke to him not one person from the council had approached him. I spoke to the General Manager, only to be told it wasn’t a council problem.

If it was a council problem who else’s problem is it? A committee was given the task to do something but to no avail.

To some, I’m the big bad wolf.

Whilst I was the mayor it was found that the council over many, many years had never kept up with the requirements from the state government. Consequently, we had to pull up our socks and venture into the 21st century. This took a huge toll on the councillors and the council but it was achieved, now the council is on the front foot.

So, getting a doctor in town to keep the hospital running is one of the main agendas.

Of equal importance is to attain an experienced General Manager, not someone who has never been one. We have gone through too many since the last experienced General Manager.

The new councilors will have to get out and about and see for themselves the state of the roads and other problems in our community.

Morgan Rasmus

My name is Morgan Rasmus and I am standing for election to the Balranald Shire Council. I grew up in the Balranald area, am married and have a one year old son. My husband and I have decided we want to raise our son in this community.

I have studied a Bachelor of Education Primary in Mildura, and spent the first six months ofmy qualification teaching at the Euston Primary school. I currently work at the Balranald Post Office.

My focus and goals are to progress the Balranald Shire in as many ways as possible. I know some of the issues raised in the community include the state of the roads, local environment and the lack of professional services.

I have always had a passion for preserving the natural beauty of our country along with the history of our district. To progress the Shire forward we also need to look at what we can do to bring families to our community and keep our children here, what opportunities can we provide for them.

Whilst I am young, I do not shy away from doing what is right and have always listened to people young and old, gathered facts then used these to come to a conclusion.

I believe I am a very approachable person with a passion for encouraging a productive and thriving community for everyone, and I always make time to sit and listen to those around me, knowing that we never stop learning.

Tracy O’Halloran

My Name is Tracy O’Halloran and I am a married, 56-year-old mother of three adult children and reside in the Shire of Balranald.

Currently self-employed, my husband and I are engaged in a multi-faceted agribusiness. I am a board member of the Balranald Ex-Servicemen’s` Club, BMPS Health Council Chairperson, volunteer at The Gallery Balranald and BFNC member.

Previously I was employed as an Industrial Engineer with Fletcher Jones and a TAFE Lecturer facilitating in LLN, Women’s Education and Business Administration, both in the lower SE of SA.

I have no affiliation with any Australian political party and believe there is no place for affiliation in governance at a local level.

I am running for council because I would like to be a contributing member, overseeing the running of our local shire. My priority is to ensure the financial sustainability of the shire and that tax payers’ money is spent in the best interest of the community. I believe it is extremely important to provide an affordable living environment to our local ratepayers and ensure we create lifestyle and health options for all ages.

If elected, my role as a future councillor includes passing on of communication from community to the shire, representation of community in shire decision making and acquiring and maintaining the skills to perform the role of councillor the best of my ability.

German Ugarte

Many people in town know my wife Paulina and I. We are the people behind Outback Geo adventures, and we love our town.

More action, less planning is the direction I want to take, if I become a councillor at the September 14 elections.

I am going to fight for transparency and communication in all council happenings and decisions. People have a right to know what is going on.

After the latest General Manager departed, I felt it was the right time to run for council and fight for better conditions for the community.

The lack of a doctor in town has been a concerning issue to many. Although unsure of how far council can go in the matter, it is important to lay good foundations in order to attract doctors to the area.

The tourism sector has always been important to me, and I believe the continuing fostering of this industry will continue to be a huge source of economic and other development for our town.

An annual independent community satisfaction survey of the Shire’s office and Council performance would allow an honest reflection of how best the public feel they are being served.

I want to ensure equal attention and resources are afforded to all areas of the Balranald Local Government Area (LGA); Oxley, Kyalite, Hatfield, Penarie, Clare. All areas need to be represented and involved in decision making processes.

I have and always will be highly committed to protecting and educating about all of Balranald’s resources; including the plants, animals, water and soil.

Ron Mengler

I, Ron Mengler, am a district farmer, whose family is coming up to 100 years in the area. With five children and ten grandchildren, family means everything to me. Having lived 21 years in Euston, my family and I moved to the farm so I could semi retire.

A family and community minded man, I decided to be proactive and get behind the new council when the administration period drew to a close. I felt my skills and experience could be put to use, helping to guide the council to progress through its first term after the administration period. Formerly on council, and with decades of experience in the field, I am well versed in advocating with politicians.

Not one to back down from getting things done and tackling the tough jobs, I believe I could be an asset going forward, and assisting newer councillors find their feet, and provide support.

With so many industries coming to town, I think it is the time to maximise the benefit of the industry to the town.

I think it is great to see a number of candidates running for council, and from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. If elected to council, I would like to be a part of attaining more grants for council, so we can truly make great things happen. It is important to hit the ground running, make Balranald Local Government Area great again, and allow all towns in the LGA to progress.

I will be focusing on revitalisation of essential services such as water systems, to ensure moving forward, essential services are maintained for future development.

Brodie Raynor

Having lived in Balranald most of my life, I decided to stand for council, as I have passion and drive to make Balranald and surrounds a better place. I believe a younger person’s perspective is important, especially in sectors such as local government.

My main concern and driving force for the Balranald Local Government Area (LGA) is change. During the period of administration, I believe the people of Balranald have not been consulted or heard. An accountable general manager and executive council team is sorely needed, as is transparency.

Commonly, people ask candidates what will they do for the town, well my perspective is what can I do for you; what would you like to advocate and fight for. We need to go back to basics, and ensure our foundations are solid for a good future. Tourism is very good for the town, but we also need to ensure our essential council assets and infrastructure are sound.

We need this not only for the future of the town for locals, but also workers coming to the area. Industry is going to have a multi-faceted benefit to the LGA, but we need the resources to accommodate them.

People need to see and be updated on the progress of council undertakings. Issues such as the road conditions have been in the forefront of people’s minds, everyone wants them fixed.

I will fight tooth and nail for this, but an educational campaign and solid answers on the logistics of such undertakings should be implemented.

Phillip Pippin

My name is Phillip Pippin, but all in the area know me as Pip. I am President of the Homebush Recreational Committee, and one of our roles is conducting the Homebush Rodeo. We try to do what we can to improve things around town, donating money raised to good causes and charities in town. Many would have seen me with different coloured hair, all in the name of a bit of fun while raising money for a good cause.

I decided I would run for council after we have gone four hard years without a council. Living 70 kilometres north of Balranald, I believe a good mix of district representation would be beneficial for all, a representation of both town and bush.

The aim is to try and advocate for all areas, resulting in equality of services and infrastructure to all parts of the Shire. Advocating for quality road repair would be a big priority. Due to various necessary and beneficial industries coming to the area, the roads have been impacted. It is important to maintain infrastructure such as roads, not only for people of the Shire, but to make sure big industry has the tools they need to stay here and make Balranald and surrounds grow, and benefit from their operations.

Another issue which needs a solution is attracting doctors, nurses and medical staff to the area.

I am an honest, upfront everyday man who can represent the needs and opinions of the people in the Shire. Now is not the time for anything but just getting in there and fixing things, and making sure we do not end up in administration again.

Lynda Moss

I am Lynda Moss, a mother of three, grandma of five.I have been married to Jim for 41 years and this shows my ability in problem solving and conflict resolution.

I have been involved in community groups since I was 14.

I believe in the whole Balranald shire and want to be part of the change from administration back to being self-governed by a council.

This will be a difficult time to navigate and I feel I have gained skills over the years to be a productive part of the new council to move forward to benefit the community.

Some of the concerns for our area: Back country and arterial roads need urgent repairs and upgrading.

Bidgee Haven Hostel needs to be assessed as we live in an ageing population and we need it to be available for years to come.

Support local business and retail areas. Make better use of the river.

Financial management and decision- making needs to be improved and transparent.

We need a doctor as we have lost the RFDS Ladies Doctor who visited monthly and Allied Health services have been withdrawn which is the podiatrist, occupational therapist, dietitian, speech pathologist and counsellor.

This impacts young children and the elderly the most.

I want residents to have confidence in the council and its decision-making.

I want to spend more time in all the communities to actively engage with the community for better outcomes for all residents.

All candidates were offered the opportunity to be part of this feature, at no cost to them, in order to bring this important information to our readers. In addition, discounted advertising was also separately offered.


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