SA stud takes Supreme Champion trophy at 71st Hay Sheep Show

By Krista Schade

An impressive ram owned by the South Australian merino stud ‘Mulloorie’ took home the Bill Lamb trophy for supreme champion ram or ewe.

The ram was pitted against Tamaleuca Merino & Poll Merino Stud’s ewe, who won the Charles Mills Uardry Perpetual trophy for champion ewe.

Pictured above with the champion ram are stud principal Paul Meyer and son Darcey, and judges Andrew Culvert and Spike Orr.

The 71st Hay Merino Sheep Show held on Saturday at Hay Showgrounds, was very well attended, with breeders travelling from interstate to vie for highly sought-after trophies.

South Australian stud Mulloorie won the Bill Lamb trophy for supreme champion, after taking home the Bob and Anne Rollinson Perpetual Trophy for the Grand Champion ram. The Charles Mills trophy for grand champion ewe was awarded to Tamaleuca Merino & Poll Merino Stud, who travelled from Victoria.

South Australian stud Collinsville was named the winner of the Andrew Lockhart memorial for the most successful exhibitor of the show.

Flock results: Class 1 – 1. Formosa, 2. Burrabogie 3. EJ Northy. Class 2 – 1. Burrabogie 2. EJ Northy 3. Yeadon. Class 3 – 1. EJ Northy 2. Burrabogie 3. Yeadon. Class 4 – 1 and 2 Piney Ridge. Class 6 – 1. Piney Rodge 2. EJ Northy 3. Burrabogie. Class 7 – 1. Formosa 2. EJ Northy. Class 8 – 1. Formosa 2. EJ Northy. Class 9 -1 and 2 Piney Ridge. Class 10 – 1. Burrabogie 2. Yeadon. Supreme champion pen of flock ewes and most successful exhibitor – Piney Ridge.

Unhoused results: Class 11 – 1 and 2 Woodpark Poll. Classes 12 and 13 - 1 and 3 Woodpark Poll, Wongara Poll 2. Class 14 – 1, 2 and 3 Yanco Ag College. Champion unhoused ewe and most successful exhibitor Woodpark Poll.

Open stud results: Class 15 champion hogget ram – 1. Collinsville 2. Belbourie. Class 16 – champion ewe 1. Belbourie 2. Terrick West. Class 17 – 1. Willandra 2. Terrick West 3. Wongara Poll. Class 18 – 1. Collinsville 2. Poll Boonoke 3. Willandra. Class 19 – 1. Poll Boonoke 2. Willandra 3. Collinsville. Class 20 – 1. Collinsville 2. Collandra North 3. Longdale Park. Class 21 – 1. Wanganella 2. Poll Boonoke. Class 22 – 1. Collinsville 2. Belbourie 3. Poll Boonoke. Class 23 – 1. Collandra North 2. Terrick West. Poll Boonoke. Class 24 – 1 Poll Boonoke. Class 25 1. Willandra 2. Terrick West 3. Willandra. Class 26 – 1. Willandra 2. Terrick West 3. Lach River. Class 27 – 1. Terrick West 2. Willandra 3. Belbourie Poll. Champion medium wool March ram 1. Poll Boonoke 2. Collinsville. Champion strong wool March ram 1. Collandra North 2. Collinsville. Champion March shorn ram – Poll Boonoke. Champion March shorn ewe 1. Willandra Poll 2. Willandra. Champion medium wool March ewe – 1. Willandra Poll 2. Willandra. Champion strong wool March ewe – 1. Terrick West 2. Willandra.

Housed stud results: Class 29 – 1. Collinsville 2. Tamaleuca 3. Mulloorie. Class 30 – Mulloorie 2. Collinsville 3. Glendonald.Class 31 – 1. East Bungaree 2 and 3. Oak Bank. Class 32 – 1 and 2 Mulloorie 3. Towonga. Class 33 – 1. Mulloorie 2. Terrick West 3. Towonga. Class 34 – 1. Collinsville 2. Mulloorie 3. East Bungaree. Class 35 - 1. Tameleuca 2. Kerrilyn 3. Oakbank. Class 36 – 1. Kerrilyn 2. Collinsville 3. Mulloorie. Class 37 (pen of three stud rams) 1. Mulloorie 2. Collinsville 3. Sandalwood. Class 38 (Neilson Mills trophy) 1. Mulloorie 2. Tamaleuca 3. Collinsville. Champion strong wool ram – 1. Mulloorie 2. Collinsville. Champion strong wool ewe – 1. East Bungaree 2 Mulloorie. Champion medium wool ram – 1. Mulloorie 2. Collinsville. Champion medium wool ewe – 1. Tameleuca 2. Kerrilyn.

Other results: Junior judging - 1. Oliver Cameron (Boonoke) 2. Mackenzie Dawson (Hay) 3. Emilia Brown (Hay). Under 15s junior judging – 1. Grace Routley 2. Angus Barton 3. Jake Wilmshurst. Blade shearing – 1. Tim Dalla 2. Angus Munro. Encouragement Tom Lilburne. Raffle won by Gwen Curry. 17th Ambassador - Ian Lugsdin.

Photographs - Krista Schade / The Riverine Grazier


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