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Krista Schade Krista Schade

Hay Shire Council resolves to trade surplus water

Future surplus water will be traded by Hay Shire Council with revenue to be returned to Council’s Water fund for further water projects.

A Sale (Trade) of Water policy was unanimously adopted by Council at its recent monthly meeting in a bid to generate additional revenue for the Water Fund as well as improve the efficiency of water usage.

General Manager, David Webb said as a local water utility, Council was permitted to engage in temporary trade of town water allocation with Ministerial approval.

“In addition, Council is permitted to supply water beyond its area of operations, provided it does not impact on the supply to users in the Shire,” Mr Webb said.

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Krista Schade Krista Schade

Father and son appointed to commonwealth First Nations water ownership program

The Albanese Government has launched a water ownership program for First Nations peoples in the Murray-Darling Basin, delivering on an election commitment.

Jamie and Ian Woods from Hay have been appointed to the interim governance body has been set up so that water entitlements can be purchased, before a permanent body is established. Both men are of the Nari Nari nation.

Under the Aboriginal Water Entitlements Program, the government has made $100 million available to buy water in the Basin, with First Nations representatives to determine how that money is spent.

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