We’re throwing Kimberly from a plane

We're throwing Kimberly out of a plane... and you can help too!

Kimberly Grabham, our cadet journalist is raising funds to support the National Bullying Prevention Week appeal.

If she reaches her target of $1,000 she will take a leap of faith at jump out of plane! With parachute attached, of course.

Bullying impacts over 2m Australians every year: whether its young people at school; employees in the workplace or all ages online, many face the challenging impacts of becoming targets of bullying behaviours.

"We are all touched by bullying, some on the playground, some in adult life," Kimberly said.

"It comes in many forms and can hit in unexpected ways. As a staunch mental health advocate, it would be great to contribute in some small way to reducing a root cause."

Kimberly has stepped up for the cause so if everyone in Hay donates $1 we can all be part of throwing her from a great height.

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