Young is club champion at 2023 annual presentation

Captain’s team took out the Closing Day event from the President’s team 294 points to 274 points.

Winner of the Stableford event was Nick Maynard with 38 points in a countback. Runner up was John Perry with 38 points. Alex Curtis – 37 pts, Dave Kerr – 36 pts, Don Butler – 36 pts and Harley Hey – 33 pts.

Novelty winners were Mark Pritchard – Fayle’s long putt on 2, Paul Lenon (visitor) - Fayle’s long putt on 18, Don Butler- long putt on 10, John Perry - BJAS Partners straight drive, Monica Lenon (visitor) - the money ball on 7, Don Butler - Crown NTP second shot on 6, Nick Maynard - Bowlo NTP second shot on 11. Shane McGufficke - South Hay Hotel NTP on 9 and Don Butler - Hay Tyre & Battery long drive on 15. NAGA was Noel Corliss in a 4-way countback. Jackpot hole this week was 14, and Neil Headon picked up the $60 with a birdie 2.

Next week is a social Stableford round with 8 for 8.30 hit-off.

At the Club’s annual presentation, the trophy winners were:

Club Champion – Rob Young, B Grade Champion – Dave Marshall, C Grade Champion – Dick van Buuren, D Grade Champion – Alex Curtis, A Grade nett – Martin Jackson, B Grade nett & Veterans – Frank Town- Eddie Murray Memorial Stableford and Hodgson Matchplay – John Perry, R M & G M Murray best Stableford score – Brad Tredrea, Tom Lugsdin and Wayne Dunbar – 44 pts, J B Lugsdin 4BBB & Life Members Cup – Rob Young and Martin Jackson, McGufficke 3 Man Ambrose – Neil Jackson, Perry Starr & Ross Headon, Foursomes Championship – Don Low and Peter Bisset, Ashes Cup – Don Butler, Mystery Cup – Wayne Dunbar, Medal of Medals – Noel Corliss, Eclectic winners – A Grade - Eddie Redfern, B Grade – Dave Marshall, C & D Grade – Boppa Woods.

2023 Jennex Cup – Rob Young.

“The golfers would like to thank our 2023 Sponsors – New Crown Hotel, Fayle’s Custom Framing, South Hay Hotel, Betta Home Living, BJAS Accounting, The Bowlo, Hay Tyre & Battery Service,” said Rob Young.

Men’s golf annual presentation was held recently, with players rewarded for stellar efforts for 2023.

Club Champion was Rob Young, B Grade Champion was Dave Marshall, C Grade Champion Dick van Buuren and D Grade Champion Alex Curtis.

Pictured are John Perry, Noel Corliss, Dick Van Buuren, Don Butler, Peter Bisset, Tom Lugsdin, Alex Curtis, and Rob Rob Young.

Front: David Marshall and Eddie Redfern.

They are some of the winners of trophies at the Annual Presentation.

Image supplied.


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