June Long Weekend bowling in Hay

By Kimberly Grabham

Ricky Dickson is a stalwart bowls player. Not only are he and his team good at what they do, but they have fun doing it. He told the Riverine Grazier why the June Long Weekend Bowls Tournament is so fun, and worth going back year after year. Full results next week.

“My team consists of myself, Hayden Marlin, Paul Kretchmer and Jamie Thomas, and we look forward to the June long weekend every year.

“It’s a good time to catch up with friends from all over the place that we have met in previous years, and have fun bowling at the same time.

“Even though it’s a bowls tournament we enjoy the fact that we can have friendly banter with the opposition while still trying to get a win.

“The tournament is played over four days starting on Friday with the pairs.

“This year I was asked to fill in for a wonderful visitor Deb who didn’t have a partner for the pairs.

“Unfortunately, we lost but had a fun time anyway.

“Saturday consisted of three games, and we won two and lost one.

“Sunday is played in the same format and this year we finally took out the first place.

“I think Monday is pairs again, but as a rule we play as a team on the Saturday and Sunday.

“The tournament provides prize money for every day, so everyone has a chance of taking home some money.

“Overall, we always play for the win but the friendships made along the way are worth turning up for regardless and throw in a bit of sledging and it makes for a good fun weekend, looking forward to seeing if we can go back-to-back.”


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