Women’s tackle on the cards as Magpies duo appointed to Group 20 Board

By Krista Schade

Hay Magpies President Kelly Gash has been appointed to the governing board of Group 20 in the position of vice-president, alongside treasurer Serena Wall, who takes on a board position.

The elections were held at Sunday’s annual general meeting.

Yenda Blueheelers’ Adam Brill was elected as president and Melissa Davies will continue her role as treasurer/operations manager.

The appointment follows a turbulent season for Hay which could have been the impetus for the Magpies to put forward quality candidates to ensure the voice of the Hay club is heard.

The AGM also voted to introduce women’s tackle into the competition for the first six rounds of the 2024 season, running parallel to the league tag and men’s matches.

“I think it’s great Group 20 have made the step to introduce women’s tackle,” said league tag coach Jessie Carter, who has played several representative and exhibition tackle games.

“I think it will bring growth to the competition and really give women the chance to showcase their skills.”

Magpies legend Neil-John Nisbet echoed Carter’s sentiments.

“There are a lot of fantastic female athletes in the Riverina and this gives them a choice of tackle or league tag,” he said.

“Hay will be fielding a team and with the correct coaching it does not have to be as scary as it seems.

“The Magpies have been recruiting players and anyone interested should contact Jessie Carter or the Hay committee.”

After several seasons in the ProTen competition Narrandera also seem poised to return to Group 20, potentially starting with under 16s in 2024, according to NSW rugby League Zone Manager David Skinner.

The draw is being finalised but the Group 20 2024 season looks to commence in April 2024.

Gash returned as Magpies president at AGM

Hay Magpies Rugby League Club held its annual general meeting last week, where Kelly Gash was returned as president.

In her report Ms Gash thanked the many sponsors and volunteers who had supported the club in season 2023, and acknowledged the success of the coaches.

“This year we had Ben and Toby take the lead with our first-grade side and Jessie with our league tag team, with NJ as Club Coach lead,” she said.

“I want to pass on the committees' thanks for their success in these roles and their professionalism both on and off the field.”

Ryan Gash was elected as vice president and Ellie Darlow and Serena Wall will continue in their respective roles of secretary and treasurer.

The general committee consists of Samantha Woods, Neil-John Nisbet and Russell Curtis.


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