Is the Grazier the heartbeat of Hay?
The Editor
Is The Riverine Grazier, the Heartbeat of Hay, a local newspaper that shares the achievements, the good stories and the not so good and sometimes the difficult moments in our community’s history.
Or is it the paper that will give free coverage if you are before the courts but not free space to tell your story if you make the challenging choice to put your name forward in the local elections.
I value the Riverine Grazier as an important record of the history of Hay but wonder about its heart if it requires candidates to advertise to have their voices heard.
Regards Geoff Chapman
Editor: The Riverine Grazier has for 148 years kept its doors open – through war, droughts and the current Covid pandemic. At times this has been at a huge sacrifice to the business and often at a financial loss to the owners; but always with the community at the heart of our decisions. The Grazier is a commercial business. We do not receive grants, sponsorships, donations or funding. Without advertising revenue, there simply would not be a local newspaper. Letters to the Editor are only ever rejected by us on legal advice. Candidates were welcome to use that (free) platform to tell their story.