Riverina State is a must
Dear Editor
The 1966 Commonwealth Census records Hay Shire having a population of 4,180 people. The 2016 Australian Census records Hay Shire having a population of 2,946. These records show a decline of 1,234 people, being 30% of the 1966 population.
This population decline is the reason local businesses, schools, social and sporting clubs, have declined in popularity, or even ceased to exist.
Population depends very largely on employment. The decline in population is very largely a consequence of decades of young adults leaving the area for employment reasons.
The promised removal of another 450 gigalitres of water from productive use; the continued purchasing of properties and turning them into National Parks; and the expected phasing out of native timber harvesting; all ensure that local employment and population continue to decline.
These acts have been enacted either directly or indirectly by the NSW State Government.
These acts are a consequence of the super domination of NSW by the metropolitan population of Newcastle, Sydney, and Wollongong and its large Green sub-population. This population either has little to no interest in the people in country areas or is actively opposed to the industries that ensure these peoples’ prosperity.
To ensure employment, population growth and prosperity, the people in the Hay Shire, and in many other shires as well, need to separate politically from NSW.
A Riverina State will allow the people in the Riverina to make decisions that benefit themselves. This State will ensure that the natural resources such as water, timber and land are used productively and in the manner most beneficial to its people.
Only a Riverina State will ensure that the people in the Hay Shire, and in many other country shires, prosper. This State is needed now!
David Landini
9 Phillip St,
Wakool, NSW.