Floodplain management planning sessions held in Hillston, Hay and Moulamein
Talking floods – Bede Schiller, Roger Schiller, Leon Booth, Geoff Chapman and Shane McGufficke attended the Hay session, on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River. Image: Krista Schade / The Riverine Grazier
By Krista Schade
Representatives of the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s (DPE) water group visited Hillston, Hay and Moulmein recently, gathering first-hand information to inform the newest iteration of floodplain management plans for the Murray Darling Basin.
Currently NSW has 10 plans in place, which will be replaced with four valley-wide management plans, and the local sessions were the first steps in gathering data to develop the plans.
Hay resident Roger Schiller was vocal in the question and answer session, stating man-made infrastructure continues to have an impact on townships during major floods.
“We’ve seen a number of plans come and go,” he said. “But nothing is enacted. Man-made construction is never taken into consideration.”
Hay Shire Council General Manager David Webb stressed education was a vital part of the process.
“I recommend you do some education as part of this process,” he said. “Because I would say that most of the landholders don't know or don't care. I think part of this would be to get out and let them know that if you're putting in check banks across your property for agriculture, which might seem logical for them, but they need to understand what they're potentially getting themselves into.
“I don't think a lot of them would understand the ramifications or what could happen.”
After the presentations DPE representatives were on hand to explain the purpose of the plans, hear community concerns and collect any flood or aerial photographs landholders were happy to share.
Anyone wishing to contribute can contact the department via email – floodplainplanning@dpie.nsw.gov.au.