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Krista Schade Krista Schade

Flood peak passes but Hay remains vigilant

The Murrumbidgee River at Hay peaked at 8.68 metres on Friday and is currently falling, while the Lachlan River reached 3.22 last Thursday. Both rivers failed to meet the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) revised predictions.

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Rural Krista Schade Rural Krista Schade

Booligal not fazed by flood

A visit to the village of Booligal last week is a lesson in calm resilience, as townspeople and landholders alike resolutely go about their business, as the Lachlan River continues to rise around them.

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Krista Schade Krista Schade

Hay well prepared for a flood event

Our town is surrounded by floods and road closures as wet weather and rising rivers across the region dominate the news, but Hay is well prepared, according to Hay Shire Council General Manager David Webb.

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