Governor of NSW visits Hay and Balranald

The Governor and Mr Wilson are pictured above with Acting Hay Public School Principal Sue Murphy, and captains Archie Auldist, Grace Auldist, Rhyla Bunyan and Bill Houston, at Hay Public School on Friday. Images: The Riverine Grazier / Krista Schade.

By Krista Schade

Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC KC, Governor of New South Wales, and husband, Mr Dennis Wilson visited Hay on Friday and Saturday.

Her Excellency enjoyed a diverse but busy schedule of official visits.

“Dennis and I are excited to be travelling out west to Wentworth, Balranald, and Hay Shires in the Riverina, the heartland of Australia’s food-bowl, to meet community and business groups, volunteer organisations, schools, and councils,” Her Excellency said.

After travelling from Balranald, the Governor called in to Gayini conservation area as guests of Nari Nari Tribal Council and met with land managers to discuss the ongoing conservation works being undertaken.

At Hay Public School Her Excellency was guided on a tour of the school by captains and shown the Catchment Kids projects, before year 1 students serenaded the official party.

At Hay War Memorial High School Her Excellency visited the school’s war museum and farm before hosting a community reception on Friday evening at Hay Bowling Club for local volunteers and community leaders.

Both Her Excellncy and Mr Wilson mingled with those gathered, after the official address by Mayor Carol Oataway and performance by Hay ‘s Highland dancers.

On Saturday Her Excellency and Mr Wilson met with Hay Youth Taskforce, visited Shear Outback and rounded out their visit with a surprise appearance at Hay Cricket Club’s annual presentation day.

Her Excellency was generous with her time with Hay Youth Taskforce, answering questions about her role as Governor and the career choices that led her there.

“I can see that this group will be leading the Hay community in ten years,” she said.

In Balranald, highlights included travelling to Mungo National Park to meet representatives from the Balranald and Wentworth Shire Councils, National Parks and Wildlife, and Barkandji, Ngiyampaa, and Mutthi Mutthi Aboriginal Advisory Groups.

The official party toured the Mungo Visitor Centre and participated in a guided sunset tour of the spectacular “Walls of China”.

“Mungo is absolutely one of the most magical places I have been,” Her Excellency said afterwards.

They toured the Tronox Atlas-Campaspe mine, met students from Clare Public School, visited the Balranald Discovery Centre and toured the Cadell Almond Orchard before attending a dinner with the Kyalite Progress Association.


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