Hats off to bonanza team

The hardworking volunteer Bonanza team, Stacey Deacon and daughter Tyler Smith found time to thank the Visitor Information Centre team of Ali McLean, Liz Moorhouse and Gaylene Stephens with flowers.

Hay Bonanza Inc pulled off something which we thought was not possible. The committee outdid themselves from last year. Fun for all, something for everyone, true community atmosphere and magic could be felt in Lachlan Street.

Huge raffle prizes up for grabs would have kept many patiently waiting. Followed by the serene dance entertainment by Fijian Group, and a stunning firework display by Slats Fireworks, who also truly outdid themselves.

First Prize in the business window display went to Purple Petals with Centrespot Flowers second and Hay Jewellers third.

The shopper docket promotion was keenly coveted by many a local and was won by Samantha Woods. The Publicans race was won by South Hay Hotel contestant Sean Johnston.

All Travel Solutions $2520 voucher was won by Brandon Burns.

A massive hats off to Bonanza Committee.


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