Hay moves step closer to Uni campus
By Tertia Butcher.
Mayor Carol Oataway has been nominated by Hay Shire Council to apply for a board position on the proposed Country Universities Centre (CUC) Southern Riverina.
Hay is one of four locations earmarked for a campus.
“This is a game-changer,” Mayor Oataway said.
“People will be able to get a tertiary education which families otherwise may not afford, and we will be able to employ qualified people in Hay.”
General Manager, David Webb said this was an exciting opportunity for Hay.
“A Country Universities Centre in Hay would promise to ignite a spark of opportunity, break down barriers and open doors to tertiary education that may seem out of reach to many,” Mr Webb said.
“It brings with it the chance to transform lives and shape the future of the community.
“It could absolutely be the difference between whether university education is an option or not for many.
“Hay’s regional needs dashboard indicates a strong need for a CUC.
“Country Universities Centres are playing a crucial role in tertiary education and skills development in regional New South Wales.
“Anyone who is trying to recruit know too well the shortage of qualified staff.”
A recent community survey by Council indicated 90 per cent of respondents said they, or a family member, would use the CUC to access tertiary education.
Mr Webb said the presence of a CUC in Hay would act as a magnet for young people, encouraging them to remain in the community while pursuing their educational goals.
“This retention of youth will contribute to the social fabric of Hay,” he added.
“The CUC will not only cater to recent school graduates but also offer opportunities for lifelong learning and skill upgradation for adult learners.”
To this, Cr Lionel Garner questioned whether the establishment of a university campus in Hay would stop high school students from attending schools at Leeton and Yanco by the bus load each Monday morning.
“No,” Mr Webb replied. “That is secondary education.”
Hay Shire Council in conjunction with Berrigan, Edward River and Murray River Councils are working with CUC Central to create CUC Southern Riverina, with a campus located in each LGA.
Each campus will be community-owned and governed, with its own local board providing place-based solutions and aligning with regional strengths.
The success of the CUC model in similar rural communities would suggest that there would be an appetite to co-invest, to provide a sense of ownership and foster a sense of pride in the local CUC.
In addition, the development of the South West Renewable Energy Zone will potentially provide community capacity funding that could be utilised to co-invest in the CUC.
Hay is one of four locations earmarked as the potential location for a university campus. Mayor Carol Oataway has been nominated by Hay Shire Council to apply for a board position on the proposed Country Universities Centre (CUC) Southern Riverina. Image: Supplied.