MPS submission lodged for hospital

By Tertia Butcher

Hay Hospital is one of two facilities being prioritised for Multi Purpose Service status.

Another application to turn the hospital into an MPS has been submitted by Murrumbidgee Local Health District, with a decision to be made by September. Local Health Advisory Committee chair, John Perry said it had been a long road getting to this point.

“It took years to get Hay Senior Citizens Association to provide a letter of support,” Mr Perry said.

“This was necessary for the submission as Haydays is a private aged care facility.

“An MPS status will enormously benefit the hospital’s McFarland Wing by way of Federal funding, but will have zero impact on Haydays. It will not affect Haydays whatsoever.

“The sole purpose of turning Hay Hospital into a Multi Purpose Service is to access funding for McFarland Wing.

“There are no negatives – not to the hospital, the community nor Haydays.”


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