Sheep stud teams clean up at show

Pictured are the White Dorper group: Montana Buick, Tilly Weeks, Christina and Issy Murray, Mackenzie Dawson, Wendy Atkins, Larissa Sorensen and front: Emily Shea and Nikita Lauer.

Hay War Memorial High School Aberline Dorper and White Dorper Stud show teams enjoyed a massive success at the Melbourne show. Students were accompanied by Mr Caughey and Miss Harding.

In the school’s sheep judging competition, Chrissy Murray placed 2nd, Larissa Sorensen 4th, and Tilly Weeks 6th in the junior judging virtual sheep competition, judging Suffolk sheep.

1st places in the Dorpers went to Gladiator handled by Larissa Sorensen, Moon handled by Mackenzie Dawson, Herse handled by Nikita Lauer, Selene handled by Emily Shea.

2nd places in the Dorpers went to Goose handled by Issy Murray, Lunar handled by Wendy Atkins, Ptolemy handled by Montana Buick.

Champion Ram was Gladiator; Champion Ewe was Moon and Supreme Champion Dorper Exhibit was Moon. Most successful Dorper exhibitor was Aberline Dorpers.

1st places in the White Dorpers went to Achimedes handled by Tilly Weeks, Snowflake handled by Nikita Lauer, Sheba handled by Mackenzie Dawson, Khaleesi handled by Issy Murray.

2nd places in the White Dorpers went to Chaos handled by Emily Shea, Calyx handled by Larissa Sorensen, Heaven handled by Chrissy Murray, Sepal handled by Montana Buick.

Third place to Cronus handled by Wendy Atkins.

Champion Ram was Archimedes; Champion Ewe was Khaleesi and Supreme Champion Dorper Exhibit was Khaleesi.

Most successful White Dorper exhibitor was Aberline White Dorpers.

Larissa Sorensen came 2nd in the Schools’ Sheep Identification Challenge.


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