Strong push in opposing burial tax

NSW opposition dubs the levy a “death tax”

By Tertia Butcher

Hay has joined other councils in their opposition to the new levy on burials and cremations.

The tax will commence July next year at a rate of $156 per burial, $63 ash interment and $41 cremation.

Hay Shire Council owns three cemeteries for the communities at Hay, Maude and Booligal.

“This is another example of cost shifting by the NSW Government just to fix up their own finances,” Mayor Carol Oataway said.

“As a new cost shift onto councils and communities, this levy is being imposed on the bereaved during a cost-of-living crisis.

“Councils cannot absorb this levy into current operational budgets and will therefore have to pass on the levy to the residents and community members.

“This then make interment services more expensive for individuals and families who are grieving through what will be for many people the most challenging circumstances of their lives.

“Respectful and affordable interment services are critical.”

The proposed levy will raise more than $5.7 million for the NSW Government.

Council said the money collected would not go towards improving cemeteries.

Instead, the increased tax on grieving families will be used to fund the NSW Government’s cemeteries consolidated revenue fund.

Council resolved unanimously to write to the NSW Premier and Minister for Lands and Property asking they urgently reverse their decision to impose a new tax on all burials and cremations.


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