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Debt free pool - $8m Hay Pool replacement project fully funded
The replacement pool and facilities at the John Houston Memorial Swimming Pool will be constructed free of debt to Council and at minimal cost to ratepayers.
The $8.067 million project received a further boost of $4.191 million last week following Council’s successful funding application under Round 2 of the Growing Regions Program.
Hay Shire Council targets housing for healthcare workers
Hay Shire Council is continuing its efforts to improve accommodation for key workers, and more recently for its Multi-Purpose Service facility manager, and has met with Murrumbidgee Local Health District to discuss opportunities in Hay.
Solar heating for new Hay Pool - Council considers options for renewable energy
Heating options for two of the replacement pools at the John Houston Memorial Swimming Pool are currently being investigated by the contractor, ELM Aquatics.
Works are due to commence late next month, with the pool closing on February 24, to be completed for re-opening late November 2025.
General Manager, David Webb said the replacement project includes three new pools, filtration equipment, solar heating, renewable energy supply, recreational facilities and landscaping.
Council gets tough on contamination
Contamination across the three-bin system continues to be an issue and Hay Shire Council will be forced to take action against repeat offenders.
“Council staff are constantly finding waste that should not be in your green-lidded bin,” General Manager, David Webb said.
“If this becomes an ongoing issue at your household, Council will issue you a letter to address the problem.
“If the problem continues, a contamination notification sticker will be applied to your bin.”
Mayor re-elected, new deputy - Hay Shire Council holds its first meeting
Cr Carol Oataway has been re-elected mayor of Hay Shire Council.
The mayor retained her seat after surviving a challenge from newly elected councillor, John Perry in an open vote, 5 – 3.
Hay has a new deputy mayor after a tightly contested election between Crs Martyn Quinn, Lionel Garner and Geoff Chapman.
The three-way vote concluded with five votes in favour of Cr Quinn, pictured with Mayor Oataway.
Pool replacement another step closer - John Houston Memorial pool in Hay is due a revamp
A suggestion by Cr Lionel Garner to again patch up Hay swimming pool rather than replacing the three pools was quickly dismissed by Council.
“We can’t do it,” General Manager David Webb said.
“The pool cannot be patched up any more. It leaks and is ready for a catastrophic failure any time.
Yes to free camping, says Hay Shire Council
Free camping at Sandy Point again reared its head, briefly, at a recent extraordinary meeting of Hay Shire Council.
In a Notice of Motion by retiring councillor, Peter Handford, Council was asked to impose a fee on campers using the facilities at popular Sandy Point Reserve.
“For what it costs us, I feel we need to get something out of it. It’s been going on for a long time,” Cr Handford said.
Strong field in 2024 Local Government elections in Hay, Balranald, Edward River and Carrathool Shires
All four regional councils have strong numbers of candidates for the upcoming local government elections.
Read the full list of candidates for Hay, Balranald Edward River and Carrathool Shires, and find out where polling and pre-polling locations will be.
Hay Shire Council resolves to trade surplus water
Future surplus water will be traded by Hay Shire Council with revenue to be returned to Council’s Water fund for further water projects.
A Sale (Trade) of Water policy was unanimously adopted by Council at its recent monthly meeting in a bid to generate additional revenue for the Water Fund as well as improve the efficiency of water usage.
General Manager, David Webb said as a local water utility, Council was permitted to engage in temporary trade of town water allocation with Ministerial approval.
“In addition, Council is permitted to supply water beyond its area of operations, provided it does not impact on the supply to users in the Shire,” Mr Webb said.
No more bandaid solutions for Hay Pool, and D-Day for the hydrotherapy pool
There will be no further band-aid remedies for Hay’s 60-year-old John Houston Memorial Pool.
Hay is to get a new swimming pool after Council made the difficult decision last week to borrow up to $4 million.
The alternative was coping with a leaking pool and handing back the $3 million received under the State Government’s Multi-Sport Community Facility Fund for pool replacement.
New tax to be buried in NSW
Another tax has been wacked onto local ratepayers by the State Government.
The Cemetery and Cremation Tax which comes into effect on July 1 is set to hit not only Local Government Councils, but also grieving families.
The State Government has announced it will impose the tax on every burial and cremation carried out, including at council-owned facilities. General Manager, David Webb said the revenue would be used to fund the Cemeteries & Crematoria Association of NSW.
“This got wacked onto us and no one knew it was coming,” Mr Webb said.
“It is to run the Association; straight out a money grab by the State Government.”
Major improvement works to start in main street next week
Improvements are on the way for the main street of Hay.
Work is set to start next week on improvements to the main street to provide a stronger road and a smoother and safer journey for up to 5000 vehicles that drive through the town each day.
Hay Shire Council General Manager, David Webb welcomed the announcement made on Monday afternoon.
“Council staff have been working with TfNSW on the Lachlan Street surface upgrade works for the past two years and we look forward to the works finally being undertaken.,” Mr Webb said.
No money left in Hay Shire Council’s charity bucket.
Two requests for financial assistance by waiving fees and charges have met with a firm no from Hay Shire Council, and community and sporting organisations and groups can expect this to continue, at least for the current financial year.
“We do not have any money left in the budget,” General Manager, David Webb said. “Council is not immune to economical pressure.”
Hay Shire Council embraces golden opportunity to keep Hay strong into the future
Hay and Carrathool Shire Councils are joining forces to develop a 10-year roadmap outlining practical actions councils, business, industries and communities can take to diversify their economies.
This includes building economic, social, cultural and environmental resilience.
The Resilient Economy Roadmap for Hay and Carrathool Shires is being developed as part of the Regional Drought Resilience Planning Program.
“The roadmap is for the future of our region, to be developed in collaboration with community, industry and government members,” Hay Shire Council General Manager, David Webb said.
New service station approved amid highway safety concerns
Concern was raised at Council last week over safety issues if a Development Application for a service station on the Sturt Highway was approved.
“This proposed development is just a stupid idea. It’s dangerous,” one of the objectors, Judy Jarratt told Council.
Mrs Jarratt, who lives next to the proposed service station between Russell and Moama Streets in South Hay, said she has witnessed near misses due to the speed vehicles travel past her house.
Inquiry into NSW RFS arrangement with councils
Hay Shire Council has confirmed its support to the local Rural Fire Service in the face of an inquiry into NSW RFS arrangements with Local Government.
With the bushfire season underway, the upcoming inquiry into the effectiveness of NSW RFS's asset management and operations will be undertaken by a parliamentary committee.
Hay Youth Taskforce sets sights on safe place to gather
Hay Youth Taskforce has identified the need for a safe place for young people to gather and socialise.
The community building at Park, which is close to all three schools, is considered underutilised and has the potential to redevelop into a modern youth and community indoor/outdoor space.
Hay Shire Council has successfully applied for funding under the Regional Youth Investment Program to develop concept plans to redesign the space, consult with stakeholders and develop detailed building plans and cost estimates.
Eight thousand fingerlings released into the Murrumbidgee River at Hay.
Hay Shire Council and Hay Lions Football and Netball Club partnered again for the annual native fish restocking in the river around Hay, and 8000 Murray Cod and Golden Perch fingerlings were released west of Sandy Point on New Year’s Day.
Local university campus within reach of Hay
Hay could have its own university by as early as next year.
A pilot campus for Country University Centre in partnership with TAFE Connected Learning Centre has been proposed, and to be known as CUC Hay.
As reported by Hay Shire Council in October and in The Riverine Grazier on November 15, Hay had been identified as a good fit for CUC Southern Riverina which would also include the Councils of Berrigan, Edward River and Murray River.
Roundabout refit - Hay Shire and Landcare partner to fix eyesore
Hay Shire Council and Hay Plains Landcare Group have formed a partnership to address the beautification of the South Hay roundabout precinct.
And the Landcare group is keen to recruit volunteers.