Cool Runnings off to Sydney

St Mary’s Parish School relay team, AKA ‘Cool Runnings’ has been busily training for the Polding Swimming Trials.

The trials will see them compete at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.

‘Cool Runnings’ consists of four members, Jye Scott, Frederick Nelson, Lacey Headon and Leah Curtis (pictured above), have been working hard with their trainers, Natalie Arandt and Kellie Rutledge, to hone their performances for the big race.

“It is so exciting to see them go so far,” Natalie said.

“They have already taken off a minute from their time, so we are very proud.”

They are very excited to be swimming at this tough competition in one of Australia’s best pools, and for the opportunity.

Team ‘Cool Runnings’ even have their own special uniform!

The team’s name was originally proposed by one of the team’s mothers, and the special towels, their ‘uniforms’ were specially ordered by a parent.

Best of luck you amazing children, we hope you enjoy the travel and the event.

You are already champions and have done your school and town proud.


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