Final soccer kick for 2022

A wonderful turnout was enjoyed by Sunday Soccer, for the recent grand final game.

Greens took the win over Reds in what spectators described a great game to watch.

Goal scorers for Greens were Ben Taylor 3, Max Hutchings 1 and for Reds Dillon Green 1.

Each player has improved greatly on their skills during the season, and each player brings their new skills to the game. Better players were Ashton Green, Ben Taylor, Paige Clarke, Beau Garner, Dillon Green. Following the match, presentation and a season ending party was held.

“As our season has wrapped up, we would like to give a special thanks to all parents for their support and help during the season, we hope to see you all next season,” parent helper, Lauren Hicks said.

Award Winners:

Ashton Green - Player of the Final

Jae Nisbet - Coaches Award

Taylor Hicks-Moat - Coaches Award

Bella Garner - Most Improved Player

Harry Foggo - Encouragement Award

Xander Bienzobas - Better u8 Player.

Pypa Foggo - Best Girl Player.

Ryan Clark - Coaches Award.

Daniel Green - Jack Bisset Memorial Award.

Max Hutchings - Better and Fairest Player.

Ben Taylor - High Achiever Award.

Brad Clarke and Nathan Foggo - Special Helpers Award.


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