Under 8s wow at Canberra

Hay Magpies U8s (pictured), headed to Canberra last weekend for the curtain raiser to the NRL Raiders V Panthers game.

We paid for parking, we scanned our tickets and headed to the tunnel. Lined up in our playing uniforms, the paparazzi couldn’t stop taking our photo, Hay had hit Canberra with a bang.

The gates open and out they went, main field star struck, they ran to our field and waited eagerly for the ref to blow the whistle. Tackling skills were on par with our opponents the Belconnen United Sharks white team but they proved quick on their feet from the start with some fast races up the sideline to score. End for end the Under 8s ran, battling the slippery field, but not one Hay player gave up. A seasons worth of skills were put on display for the crowd to see. Maybe even some Raiders talent scouts have saved jersey numbers for future reference.

“After our game we had the opportunity to meet some Raiders players, snap a few pictures and high 5 the guys before they headed to the stands themselves; an experience that will last a life time,” Coach Samantha Woods said.

“Thanks to the Raiders for making this opportunity happen, the bush kids sure loved playing on the big field.”

Image: Hay Junior Rugby League.


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