Hay swimmers at SISA
Girl power prevailed as the Hay Amateur Swimming Club had five swimmers invited to compete in the Southern Inland Swimming Association Invitational.
Mela Polhill, Isabel Pearson, Marley Sorensen, Larissa Sorensen and Nathaniel Clarke were selected by SISA to compete in their annual event to end the season.
Nate Clarke was unable to attend this year due to his prior commitment with State Little Athletics.
Reports are that everyone swam superbly in Wagga on Saturday, with some fantastic personal bests, great results and lots of smiles.
It is lovely to see our younger members of the swimming club coming through with pleasing results.
What a great way to finish the swimming season, with our young local swimming stars making us proud, competing against the best in their field from far reaching places in the district.
Marley Sorensen, Mela Polhill, Isabel Pearson, and Larissa Sorensen, representatives from Hay at SISA Invitational in Wagga.