Triples champs decided in a thriller on the green

By Jim Ovens

One of the most exciting games played at the Hay Bowling Club rolled out over the weekend.

After six ends Paul Kretschmer, Ricky Dickson and Hayden Marlin, led 6 to 3 against Judy Whitteron, Peter Lugsdin and Jim Ovens, in the triples championship match.

After the 13th end the scores were locked at nine all, before Jim took control for the next seven ends, getting in front 20 to 11.

With just five ends left Hayden and co started their comeback.

After 21 ends, Hayden scored five to make it 16 to 20, and in the next end Hayden got a 1 making the score 17 to 20

On the next end Hayden scored another 1 inching it forward 18 to 20.

The next end - the 24th - Hayden scored a 2 to make the score 20 all with one end to go.

On the last end Paul, Ricky and Hayden held two shots and Jim had to draw the last bowl to win, and he did, winning 21 to 20. Well done to the New Champs.

Social Bowls

Kim Visit and Nathan Crocker went down by one shot against Dean Aylett and Les McGrath 13 to 14.

On the other rink we had Phil Ruddick and Bev Cresswell coming from behind 1 to 8 to finish in front 16 to 12 against the Father’s Day duo of Daniel and Greg Stewart.

Sunday bowls

Jim Ovens and co played in the Barellan President’s Day, played at the Leeton and District Bowling Club, as the Barellan green was out of action.

A great day was enjoyed by all. The next President’s Day is at Coleambally, and Ricky Dickson is looking for players so please contact Ricky Dickson as soon as possible


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