Novel conversations - Hay kids take on podcasting

Pictured are avid learners Meredith Gaw, Paigan Gee, Frederick Nelson and Daniel Green. At the rear is Brad Sinclair, from Edge FM, who taught the students the tricks of the podcasting trade. Image: The Riverine Grazier/Kimberly Grabham.

By Kimberly Grabham

Children of Hay are getting their pertinent questions answered as well as learning new skills.

Meredith Gaw, Daniel Green, Frederick Nelson, Paigan Gee, Euen Kerr and Kodi Scott have been learning how to podcast during a novel workshop conducted at TAFE Connected Learning Centre last week.

Brad Sinclair, general manager of SinBrad Media and a sports broadcasting contractor for Sports Entertainment Network (SEN), conducted the four-day workshop.

Over the course of the workshop, the children have learnt how to plan, prepare and research for their podcast prior to production, how to edit, create their soundbites, how to get their content out there, and other aspects of the craft.

Daniel Green, the famous local runner, interviewed another avid runner, Charlie Whythes.

“He knows so much more about things than I do, and about so many more topics,” Daniel said, clearly a big fan of Charlie.

“He ran 128 kilometres; I hope that is something I can do and am capable of in the future.”

Frederick interviewed the highly knowledgeable local asset David Houston, as he has an interest in war and history.

Paigan’s passions lie in Highland Dancing, so she will be interviewing Kylie Kerr, and hopes that podcasting will facilitate her being able to teach others how to dance, and spread and share the passion for the dance using a method in which she can reach far more people.

Kodi loves to sing, so she will be interviewing talented Chantelle Anderson.

Euen, who has an immense passion for cricket, interviewed Ali McLean about the Long Paddock Cricket Match, where players from Hay travelled 13 hours via cart to play in Deniliquin.

Managing Director of the Grazier and author Krista Schade was invited to chat with Meredith, who is an avid writer and a fan of the English language.

Meredith’s segment, called Writer’s Block, asked Krista a series of interesting and thought-provoking questions.

Through answering Meredith’s questions, Krista shared information such as her love of reading and writing which go hand in hand,.

Krista’s high school English teachers were her pivotal writing inspirations and mentors. She also shared with Meredith how she came about writing her series of books.

Meredith said she has enjoyed all aspects of the workshop, and already writes stories that she hopes to expand upon in the future.

The children all agreed they cannot wait to podcast again, and are excited the equipment will be remaining for use.

TAFE has managed to acquire the podcasting equipment to remain at the Connected Learning Centre for future use.

Anyone interested in podcasting should call into the CLC and talk to Rachael Greenway, TAFE Coordinator about signing up.


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