Does Hay have a housing shortage?

Is there a shortage of houses in Hay?

There is a general consensus among local real estate agents and the community that there is, and General Manager David Webb believes the lack of housing restricts growth for the town.

Councillors are divided.

The issue of housing was raised recently when Council determined its updated list of priorities to be forwarded to the Country Mayors Association.

Cr Jenny Dwyer felt housing was a higher priority than telecommunication and blackspots for Hay, but this was not shared by all councillors.

“Do we have a real housing problem at the moment?” Cr Peter Dwyer asked.

“I didn’t think so,” the Mayor, Cr Carol Oataway responded.

“I do,” Mr Webb added.

“It’s a restriction to getting skilled people here.”

Local agent, Trent Lloyd (TLC Real Estate) said the lack of houses in Hay was a big concern.

“The Hay rental market is currently suffering from a rental shortage of stock,” Mr Lloyd said.

“We have seen a great uptake of rental properties over the last 12 months, thus seeing a shortage of properties currently available in the marketplace.

“The lack of houses is the biggest concern.

“While the influx due to the Max Mad filming has been great for the town, it has expedited the housing issue that we are currently experiencing. This has added to the pressure the pandemic has caused which saw the demand for "affordable" housing in such rural towns as Hay become very popular.

“This current situation will only become worse due to the rise in the cost of living and the need for tenants to find affordable accommodation further from the city centre, such as Hay.

“This is not just a Hay problem; it is a nationwide problem.

“We find property sales in Hay are to owner-occupier rather than for investment purposes.

“Hay offers a lot of opportunities for investors. While capital growth is not as good in the largely rural community, the RIO (return on investment) is fantastic with lower council rates and high rent returns, along with the opportunity to undertake renovations to improve the value of the property.

“We have great tradies here in Hay that do quality work.”

Another agent, who did not wish to be named, said the housing shortage in Hay was real, and was serious.

Apart from only two tenants, the Mad Max crew were all staying in houses vacated by the owners for the three months.

Council voted in favour of prioritising telecommunication over housing. The resolution was moved by Cr Geoff Chapman and supported by Crs Oataway, Peter Dwyer and Peter Handford.

The updated list of priorities is as follows:

1. Financial Assistance Grants and Council Financial Sustainability

2. Over-Governance of Rural Councils

3. Access to Health Services

4. Cost Shifting onto Local Government

5. Water Security

6. Skills and Education

7. Telecommunication and Blackspots

8. Housing.

Council staff have finger on the pulse

General Manager, David Webb said Council has recognised housing as an issue in the community and as such has included it in its draft Community Strategic Plan currently out on public exhibition.

Mr Webb has had recent discussions with a housing provider and is looking to develop a housing strategy with a number of potential actions already identified. This will be the subject of a report to Council in the near future.

According to Tim McKibbin, Chief Executive Officer, REINSW, a supply shortage in housing is having a major impact across the regions.

Mr McKibbin said there was an exodus of people from Sydney to the regions in pursuit of a country lifestyle.

The Regional Australia Institute yesterday unveiled a landmark regional housing paper at its virtual South Australian Regions Rising event.

RAI CEO, Liz Ritchie said Building the Good Life: Foundations of Regional Housing addresses affordability and supply issues in regional towns and cities across the country.

“As millions of Australians either choose to stay in the regions, or make the move, this surge in popularity brings with it growing pains that need addressing as we contend with the unique settings facing our regions,” Ms Ritchie said.


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