Grant funding speeds up Council projects

Works at Hay showgrounds are expected to be completed by next month, with phases one and two already finished.

Phase two involves a $135,619 project funded under the Crown Lands grant as part of Showgrounds Stimulus funding.

Work includes demolition of the caretaker’s cottage and shed, construction of a new caretaker’s shed and repairs to the Show Society office and stables and new external fencing along Dunera Way.

A further grant of $175,592 enabled Council to refurbish the Jockey club amenities, upgrade the camp area, barbecue and shelter and undertake minor landscaping.

Council has also successfully applied for funding for a footpath from the Medical Centre to the Hospital and a disabled access ramp at the dentistry. These will be undertaken mid-year.

Council is currently seeking quotations for work on its boat ramp and pontoons project which form part of the River Masterplan.

Work has also started on the construction of new amenities at the swimming pool which was funded by NSW Regional Sports Facility to the tune of $888,000.

A program to improve safe and accessibility to remote airports has benefitted Hay Shire Council when it lodged a successful application of almost $280,000.

This has funded the completion of animal fencing adjacent to the hangers and terminal as well as drainage works, heavy patching and resealing of the taxiway and aprons at the general aviation area. Other State and Federal-funded projects in the pipeline include replacing the flooring at Hay War Memorial Hall and Maude Hall, reconstructing new dual netball courts and fencing, undercover netball/basketball court on the existing concrete court, replacing the floor at the Community Building, refurbishing the childminding play area and upgrading lighting at Number 2 oval.


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